There is a life game that reproduces the process of birth, evolution, selection, etc. of life with a simple model. Wa-tor is a simulation of the survival competition between sharks and fish similar to the life game.The app also works as a Wa-tor simulator. And alse you can see how the competition for survival changes when you add marine plastic pollution, which has become a problem in recent years.The right and left edges of the screen are virtually connected. The top and bottom are also connected. It is an image of the sea on the surface of a donut-shaped planet.Or it is an image of the sea on the inner wall of a donut-shaped space station.Possible values are fish breeding rate, shark breeding rate, and time until the shark starves to death. In addition to these, the rate of increase in plastic can be set.In addition, you can set the character size, calculation interval, etc. as screen operation settings.Since all the screens of the smartphone or tablet used are used, a wider range of simulation is possible on large screens and high-definition screens.Wa-tor simulation where sharks and fish compete for survival. Can sharks survive?